How To Cook A Great Largemouth Bass Stew In About 4 Easy Steps

here is a great recipe on how to make the most out of the meat of a largemouth bass for all of you bass fisherman out there 

1. Catch a fairly big largemouth bass make sure that the pond / lake you are fishing at allows in the regulations that you can to keep your fish .

2. Gut the fish wile keeping in mind thc cardinal rule for gutting fish don,t cut the intestines or the meat will become unsanitary and not edible .

3. Fillet each side of the fish then de-scale the slabs of meat after that cut each slab of fish meat into little bite sized chunks and put the chunks away for later.

4. Fill a pot with chicken broth and put the stove on a high boiling temperature. Then throw in your favorite vegetables such as mushrooms , garlic, and mabey some onions. Lastly put in the chunks of fish meat you saved for later and boil the stew for at least 45 minutes or more. The longer it boils the richer the flavor now you can eat this wonderful meal and please enjoy the fish you had caught .    HAPPY FISHING!!!


Sometimes it can be hard to find great fishing spots and you end up going to same spot over and over even if its not good fishing. Its easy to do that even I do that sometimes so don’t feel bad about it. So the easiest way to find fishing spots is to take advantage of technology. If you have a laptop or desktop computer that will work just fine. But if you don’t, any local library  will have computers you can rent for a given amount of time. Next after you acquire a computer go to google maps look up your home town. You will find tones of lakes you probably never knew about. Then click the print button and print the map of fishing ponds, lakes, and or rivers. Well thats the last boring step to this process the rest is fun because all you have to do is start fishing yay. That is the fun part start fishing and chances are you will find at least some great fishing spots you never knew about.               Happy Fishing