My Top 5 Most Amazing Fish I Have Caught

IMG_4204I have ben fishing since I was 4 and have caught so many fish that I lost track years ago, but a few fish have made their way to the top of the list.

My Top 5 Most Amazing Fish I Have Caught:

#1. The day I caught a 4 foot long Trophy Carp at Isaac Walton Park Lake. as I finaly reeled it in after about a half an hour it broke my line.  I was so determened to catch it,(after all it was a once in a fishing cereer event ), that I jumped in to the seemingly ice cold water and grabbed the massive thrashing carp by the gills and wressled it up a steep bank!  That was the best fishing experience I have had and I will have for a long time

#2. The time I caught a 15 pound Catfish also at Isaac Walton Park Lake.  When I had finished the strenuous but fun task of reeling that sucker in, I realized I forgot my stringer at home so I got my jacket out and put the catfish inside of it and zipped up the jacket placing it under a shade tree while I walked around and found some string to tie the catfish up.

#3. One day I was fishing and had hooked a small Bluegill and as I was reeling it in a HUGE 5 pound Bass swallowed it whole!  I was able to reel it in after a ten minute fight!  So worth it!

#4 The time I caught an 18 inch Rainbow Trout at Gross Reservoir.  Nothing funny happened on this fishing expedition except that I caught a HUGE fish.

#5. The time I caught a 10 pound Catfish accidentaly with a square bill crankbait lure which is not supposed to happen, because the crankbait lure I was using was strictly a Bass lure.  Awesome luck!